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Baieido Kobunboku


Kobunboku incense from Baieido. The brand's flagship product. A blend of Chinese herbs on a sandalwood base. Available in 14cm sticks or long and extra-long versions.

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Kobunboku incense from Baieido

This is the most famous product from this brand, which has carried on a long tradition of producing very high quality incense in Osaka (Sakai City) since 1657.

Available here in 30g boxes (2 x 15g rolls), 40g boxes, 80g boxes, 80g long sticks or 75g extra-long sticks.

Kobunboku is a typical incense from the brand, with its powerful blend of Chinese herbs and camphor notes of borneol on a base of quality sandalwood.

It is recommended by the brand for meditation sessions, although all Baieido incenses can be used for this purpose.

The sticks are reddish-brown in colour and come in different sizes: standard length 13.5cm, long 24.5cm and extra-long 34cm. The diameter also varies: the sticks in the 2x15g boxes (art. 1032) are slightly larger (approx. 3mm) and the extra-long sticks are considerably larger (approx. 5mm).

Kobunboku are sometimes spelt in different ways: Koubunbokou, Kubunbokou, Kobunbokou, and so on. This is due to the sometimes haphazard translation from the Japanese language, which is so different from our own. The producer himself uses several spellings on his own publications...

Produced by Baieido with skill and respect for tradition in Osaka, Japan, for almost four centuries.


N. B.
You will see vertical blue lines on some packs (2x15g or 80g boxes) but the incense inside is always exactly the same.

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Reviews about this Baieido Kobunboku (1 reviews)

Société des Avis Garantis
- Review added the Sunday 20 October 2024 by Monnier S
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