White sage, natural resins, incense sticks, woods and Amerindian plants for purification rituals
Country of origin
5 opinion
(786 copies remaining)
White California sage or Salvia apiana
The traditional small bundle (called mini-smudge), which varies in weight from 20 to 25 grams, depending on the season.
These small bundles of white sage are very easy to use, just hold them by the stem and light the opposite end. Blow on them if necessary and then move around the room to be purified. When you have finished fumigating, put the bundle in a bowl and let it go out. You can use it again for another session if it has not been used up.
For large fumigation sessions, prefer the Large 22 cm California White Sage Bundles which allow for large volumes of purification.
Tapering price: 3 or more: 6.40 CHF/piece 6 or more: 5.90 CHF/piece
Reviews about this White Sage Smudge Stick (5 reviews)