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White Sage and Juniper - Purification and protection
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White Sage and Juniper Smudge Stick

Reference -1947

White sage and juniper in a handy little bundle. These little sticks weigh between 20 and 25 grams, depending on what's available. They can be used several times.

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White Sage and Juniper bundle

White Sage and Juniper, combined here in a handy little stick.

White Sage is known for cleansing negative energies. Juniper (a variety from the USA) is known to protect against evil spirits and disease, and is burnt to attract positive influences and ward off negative energies.

This bundle is easy to use: light one end and then move around the room or around the people or objects to be purified. When the session is over, place the stick in a dish, bowl or censer and let it go out. You can use it for another session if it hasn't burnt out completely.


Important information:
Juniper, once rolled into a bundle and dried, is a fragile substance. You will always find a few small broken fragments in each batch. Despite careful packaging, it is virtually impossible to avoid this problem.

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