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» » Sauge Blanche 10cm - A Partir de 4.90 CHF
Bundle of white sage Salvia Apiana from the USA, average length 10cm, weight approx. 30g
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Sauge Blanche 10cm - A Partir de 4.90 CHF

Reference -1134-20

White sage Salvia apiana from California, 10 cm bundle (approx. 25g to 35g). Particularly effective and easy to use. For your purification fumigations.

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White Sage Sticks 10cm


Sticks of real white sage or Salvia apiana from California imported from the USA, with an average weight of 25 to 35 grams and a length of 10cm.

These white sage bundles are very easy to use, just light one end on fire and hold the opposite end. Then move around the room to be purified, blowing lightly if necessary to activate the combustion. Note, however, that blowing with the mouth is theoretically forbidden, it should be done with a fumigation feather.

Once the session is over, place the stick in a bowl and let it go out. It can be used several times.


These bundles, about 3cm in diameter and about 10cm long, are sufficient to purify rooms in a flat.


The pictures of the bundles or the colour of the string may vary from one delivery to another. This model simply weighs less (approx. 25 to 35g) than article 1134-M which weighs on average 35 to 40g

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Reviews about this Sauge Blanche 10cm - A Partir de 4.90 CHF (11 reviews)

Société des Avis Garantis
- Review added the Monday 14 October 2024 by Mona EM
Excellent service, qualité, rapidité, amabilité
Société des Avis Garantis
- Review added the Sunday 23 June 2024 by Laure DDA
Pas encore essayé
Société des Avis Garantis
- Review added the Thursday 06 June 2024 by Francoise G
Très efficace! Purification assuree
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