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Kunjudo Ha Ko Incense Paper


Ha-Ko leaves, like Washi Incense paper, are made from traditional scented paper. Burn these leaves to spread the fragrance around your home.

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Kunjudo Ha Ko Incense Paper

The incense in the Ha Ko range is made from traditional Japanese paper called Washi paper. This paper is scented and then cut into leaf shapes. A different leaf, made from embossed paper, for each fragrance: hibiscus, cherry, camphor, cinnamon, lemon, etc.

Light a leaf, place it on the small, non-flammable felt support and let it burn. Burning time is approximately 5 to 7 minutes.

Ha Ko fragrances available:

  • No. 1: Sandalwood
  • No. 2: Agarwood
  • No. 3: Cedar
  • No. 4: Moss
  • No. 5: Spicy Jasmine
  • No. 6: Smoky Cinnamon
  • No. 7: Elegance Citrus
  • No. 8: White Floral

You can also put a sheet of Ha-Ko incense paper in a book, drawer or handbag, or add it to a letter... They also make very pretty and much appreciated small gifts.

Produced in Japan by Kunjudo on the island of Awaji.

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